Careers in Arts, Design & Entertainment

If you are interested in making a career in arts, design and entertainment, you will be spoilt for choice with several career options. In this profession, you can find jobs with art museums, sports, amusement parks, theatres, photography studios and more. This two billion dollar industry is well suited to those who are passionate about artistic expression and visual storytelling.

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Choosing a Career in Arts, Design & Entertainment Choosing a Career in Arts, Design & Entertainment

Job prospects in this industry are on the rise, at 15% for the next ten years, which is much faster than the national average of all industries. Growing economic prosperity and leisure time is bringing about a renewed focus on careers in arts, design and entertainment. The demand for workers in such occupations will expand quickly and lead to continued success in the coming years. Having a successful career in arts and design requires intense study and hours of practice right from high school and college. Experienced artists, designers and entertainers have nurtured their talent and passion through study, professional courses and a lot of dedication. This field has fierce competition due to many performers and artists having superior skills and extensive training. The type of role you join will depend on your interests and passion for the skills needed. For instance, if you have an affinity towards teaching and are curious about art, you can work as an art teacher or instructor to educate students on the subject. To become an entertainer like a photographer or filmmaker, one must become familiar with various camera equipment like lights, camera types and computer software techniques.