Medical assistants are healthcare workers who support and assist physicians and other healthcare professionals. They are considered to be the backbone of the healthcare industry.

If you’re interested in pursuing this rewarding career, you might be wondering:

Can medical assistants give shots or injections to patients?

To answer shortly, yes.

Medical assistants are generally allowed to give injections or shots to patients.

However, there are some states across the country where medical assistants may require additional certifications or might have some restrictions on giving shots.

Read on to find out more about the states where medical assistants are allowed to give injections to patients in addition to the environments they are allowed to give shots.

Also read: What is a Medical Assistant?

Where Can Medical Assistants Give Shots or Injections to Patients?

The scope of practice for medical assistants differs across each state. These are set keeping in mind the patient’s safety and ensuring optimum care delivery for them.

Most states consider giving injections a part of the medical assistant’s duties, which basically means that if and when directed by physicians, they are required to do so.

However, some states have imposed a restriction or have set guidelines on medical assistants and their ability to give injections.

It is important to emphasize here that we will be referring to vaccinations and allergy shots as injections in this article, and these do not include any IV procedures. Most states also permit medical assistants to perform phlebotomy without any certifications or licenses.

Also read: Medical Assistant Scope of Practice by State

Read also: 12 Reasons to Become a Medical Assistant

Here is a list of the states that have some sort of restriction or guidelines when it comes to medical assistants giving injections-


Medical assistants are required to complete a minimum of 24 hours of classroom training and a minimum of 8 hours of training based on vaccine administration.

New Jersey-

Medical assistants are required to be certified to be able to give injections in this state.

Rhode Island-

Medical assistants are allowed to give injections if they are registered, certified, or show some demonstrated competency.

Read: Registered Medical Assistant


Medical assistants need to satisfy some criteria to be able to give injections in the state of California.

They need to have previously performed 10 successful injections of each of the following kinds:

Subcutaneous, intramuscular, skin tests, intradermal, venipuncture, and skin punctures.

Additionally, they also need to complete the required hours of training for the following:

1. Performing skin tests and giving injections – 10 hours
2. Administering injections via the inhalation route – 10 hours
3. Venipuncture – 10 hours


Medical assistants need to complete an accredited training program to give injections.

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Medical assistants need to be registered and obtain a medical assistant license from the Washington State Department of Health to be able to give injections.

Apart from the above-mentioned states, all other states across the U.S. have no restrictions and require no certifications or licenses from medical assistants for them to give injections or shots.

Also see: Are Medical Assistant Licenses Required?

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What If You Don’t Want To Give Injections As a Medical Assistant?

A medical assistant, in some cases, may choose not to administer injections. This could be because of many reasons, such as feeling uncomfortable, inadequate training, or simply lacking interest in performing this task.

However, the good news is that medical assistants have diverse responsibilities and skills, and it is possible to find positions where injections are not required. Injections are just one among many tasks that medical assistants may be delegated to perform.

When applying for a job as a medical assistant, it’s essential to carefully review the requirements and the medical assistant job duties and understand the tasks that may be expected of you, including whether administering injections to patients is part of the role.

It’s also recommended to ask during the interview process about the clinical tasks that may be required, including whether injections are a regular part of the job.

Also see: Medical Assistant Interview Questions

One option for medical assistants who prefer not to administer injections is to seek employment as an administrative medical assistant, where responsibilities may focus more on scheduling appointments, working with patient insurance, and maintaining patient records.

Another option is to explore specialized medical assistant positions where injections are not commonly performed.

Researching and applying for jobs in specialties where injections are not typically required can be a strategic approach for medical assistants who are not interested in administering injections.

Also read: Where Can Medical Assistants Work?

Medical Assistant Specializations That Require Giving Injections

The job duties of a medical assistant can vary depending on the specialty or department they work in.

Here are some examples of how medical assistants’ responsibilities may differ in specific specialties:

  • Allergy:
    In an allergy department, medical assistants may be involved in conducting skin tests for allergic reactions, which may include administering injections as part of the testing process.
  • Primary care:
    Medical assistants working in a primary care setting may be responsible for administering vaccinations as part of routine immunization schedules. They may also assist with patient assessments, take vital signs, perform basic laboratory tests, prepare patients for examinations, and provide patient education on preventive care measures.

Also see: Medical Assistant On-the-Job Training

Medical Assistant Specializations That Do Not Require Them to Give Injections

The nature of some specialties does not involve injections as commonly as in other areas of healthcare.

In specialties such as gastroenterology, ENT (otolaryngology), and neurology, medical assistants may not be required to administer injections as part of their regular responsibilities.

  • In gastroenterology, medical assistants may assist with patient preparation for procedures such as endoscopy or colonoscopy, scheduling appointments, maintaining equipment, and providing patient education on dietary restrictions and medication instructions.
  • In ENT (otolaryngology), medical assistants may assist with patient assessments, taking patient histories, preparing patients for procedures, maintaining equipment, and educating patients on post-operative care and medication management.
  • In neurology, medical assistants may assist with patient assessments, coordinating diagnostic tests such as EEG or MRI, preparing patients for procedures such as nerve conduction studies, and providing patient education on medication management and lifestyle modifications.

Also read: Medical Assistant Educational Requirements


Medical assistants often have the training and skills to give injections or shots under certain conditions and with proper supervision. While regulations can vary by state and the specific healthcare setting, many medical assistants receive training and certification that allows them to administer injections as part of their role.

This ability helps streamline patient care, but medical assistants need to work within established guidelines and under the direction of licensed healthcare professionals to ensure the safe and effective delivery of injections.

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