If you have a strong interest in law and have been watching legal dramas with enthusiasm, it’s possible that a paralegal role could be a great fit for you.

As a paralegal, you have the opportunity to work in various fields based on your interests, skills, and personality.

To get started, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the different options available to you in the field of paralegal work.

Also see: What is a Paralegal

8 Types of Law Specialities for Paralegals

Let us explore some of the law specialties or subjects that a paralegal generally studies-

1. Criminal Law-

Criminal law is a branch of law that deals with offenses committed against society as a whole, rather than individual disputes. It focuses on identifying and punishing individuals who have violated the law.

The primary objective of criminal law is to establish the guilt of the accused and ensure justice is served.

Criminal law covers a broad spectrum of crimes, ranging from serious offenses like homicide to less severe offenses like copyright infringement or piracy. Its purpose is to maintain order, protect the public, and provide a fair legal system for both victims and defendants.

Criminal paralegals can be found working on either the prosecution or defense side of a criminal case. Their role primarily involves supporting attorneys in trial preparation and courtroom proceedings.

They assist in gathering evidence, conducting witness interviews, and ensuring all necessary legal documents are filed with the court. During the trial, they play a crucial role in helping their legal team present a strong case by reviewing trial notes and organizing exhibits for use in court.

See: Criminal Law Paralegal

2. Corporate Law-

Corporate law involves ensuring that businesses comply with local and federal regulations. Corporate paralegals can work in-house for a single corporation or at a law firm serving multiple corporate clients.

They assist with legal matters, documentation, and transactions to help businesses operate legally and manage legal risks.

Corporate paralegals play a crucial role in document preparation, such as filing legal paperwork and ensuring compliance with regulations. Additionally, they may be involved in litigation support if the company is involved in a lawsuit.

Having prior experience or knowledge in bookkeeping and finance can be beneficial for corporate paralegals in managing financial aspects related to legal matters.

Also see: Corporate Paralegal

3. International Law-

International law is a set of rules and principles that govern the relations between nations. Its main purpose is to promote international trade, protect the environment, safeguard human rights, and regulate various aspects of global interactions.

It encompasses a wide range of topics and aims to establish standards and guidelines for countries to follow in their international dealings.

Paralegals specializing in international law have the opportunity to work on various tasks such as assisting in the creation of treaties and trade agreements, raising awareness about human rights violations globally, and engaging in cross-cultural activities.

This field offers the chance to travel to different locations and work on matters related to international affairs. If you have a keen interest in different cultures and global issues, pursuing a career as an international law paralegal could be a fitting choice.

Read: How Long Does it Take to Become a Paralegal

4. Commercial Law-

Commercial law which is also known as business law or trade law- primarily takes into account transactions related to commerce, trade, consumer, and business.

This includes areas such as bankruptcy, contracts, mortgages and real estate, consumer credit, and banking.

Commercial law paralegals are mainly involved in reviewing contracts, filing bankruptcy documents, advising debtors in the legal process, or coordinating a real estate transaction. Paralegals can also work in law firms that entirely focus on commercial laws.

5. Family Law-

Family law primarily deals with legal matters concerning family relationships, including divorce, child custody, adoption, and the termination of parental rights.

These cases often involve children and may touch on sensitive issues such as child abuse or domestic violence. Family law aims to protect the rights and best interests of all individuals involved in family-related legal disputes.

Family law paralegals often develop a more personal relationship with their clients compared to paralegals in other legal specialties.

They work closely with social workers and play a crucial role in facilitating emotional negotiations between parties involved in family law disputes.

Additionally, family law paralegals may serve as guardians ad litem, acting as impartial advocates for children involved in legal proceedings.

See: Family Law Paralegal

6. Constitutional Law-

Constitutional law focuses on legal proceedings that involve the interpretation and application of the United States Constitution.

These cases often center around fundamental issues such as due process, civil rights, and freedom of speech. Constitutional law plays a critical role in safeguarding the rights and liberties of individuals within the framework of the Constitution.

Constitutional law paralegals get to work with non-profit or public interest groups.

If you have an eye for detail and love history, then you might like to become a constitutional paralegal as most of your work revolves around reading about the Constitution and conducting research on previous constitutional law cases.

7. Labor Law-

Labor law is a branch of law that deals with the relationship between employers and employees. Its primary purpose is to protect the rights of workers and ensure fair treatment in the workplace.

Labor laws cover various aspects, including collective bargaining, unionization, minimum wage, working hours, workplace safety, benefits disputes, and more.

Labor law paralegals play a vital role in assisting their firm or corporation in matters related to labor disputes.

They are responsible for tasks such as conducting legal research, preparing documents, and gathering evidence for cases involving issues like strikes, unfair termination, workplace harassment, or discrimination.

They also provide support in drafting and reviewing employment contracts and agreements. Labor law paralegals work closely with attorneys to ensure compliance with labor laws and protect the rights of employees.

Their work helps in maintaining a fair and equitable work environment.

8. Intellectual Property Law-

Intellectual Property (IP) refers to intangible creations or inventions that can be protected by laws such as copyrights, trademarks, and patents. These laws are designed to safeguard the rights and interests of creators and innovators.

Paralegals specializing in intellectual property assist in the registration, enforcement, and protection of these rights.

They may be involved in conducting research, preparing legal documents, assisting with trademark and patent applications, and supporting litigation related to IP infringement.

IP paralegals are usually found conducting trademark and patent research, filing for trademarks and patents, and negotiating intellectual property rights. They also assist attorneys prepare for litigation when there are cases of copyright violation or trademark infringement.

Also see: How to Become a Paralegal



In the diverse world of paralegal specialties, there’s a niche for every interest. Whether it’s corporate law, immigration, or family law, each area offers unique opportunities. Remember, your passion and skills are like the compass guiding you through this legal landscape.

Take the time to explore, learn, and discover what clicks for you. Whether you’re drafting contracts, assisting in criminal cases, or diving into healthcare law, your role as a paralegal is vital.

Other Types of Paralegals:

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About the Author
Grant founded OnlineDegree.com with a purpose-driven mission: make college accessible and affordable for everyone. After graduating college with an overwhelming amount of debt, he was determined to change how students embark on their education. He's a frequent speaker and author in higher education, and has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader's Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.