Do you want to become a pharmacy technician, but are confused about the educational requirements needed to become one?

Are you uncertain about which training program to choose?

If your answer to any or all questions was yes, or if you’re here to learn more about pharmacy technician training programs, we’re here to help you.

In this article, we will uncover the most common training program options available for pharmacy technicians, the problems attached to traditional training programs, and the no. 1 recommended pharmacy tech program for you.

Let’s get started!

pharmacy technician packing skills

Pharmacy Technician Training Programs- What is Available?

Two main methods of completing your pharmacy technician training are enrolling in full-time programs that typically involve degree and certificate programs or taking pharmacy tech classes.

Let us take a look at them in detail.

Full-Time Programs-

Full-time training programs for pharmacy technicians usually include two ways in which you can complete your training- either getting an associate degree or a certificate program.

Associate degrees are usually offered by technical universities, whereas certificate programs are generally offered by community colleges or trade schools.

Getting an associate degree is the traditional way of completing your training, and you get to take home a degree with you by the end of the course. A degree definitely holds immense value in the eyes of the employer.

However, there are also a number of disadvantages linked with associate degrees and certificate programs. We will discuss more of this in the next section.

Pharmacy Technician Classes-

Another method of completing your pharmacy technician training is to enroll in local or online classes.

Online classes are getting more popular because they are flexible and easy to access. You can take these classes from anywhere as long as you have the internet. This way, you can study at your own pace and whenever you want.

In these courses, you’ll find video lessons, interactive activities, virtual simulations, and online forums where you can talk and work with others.

If you’re thinking about taking pharmacy technician classes, it’s important to choose a program that is accredited or approved by the state Board of Pharmacy.

Accredited programs usually offer good education, and some states might require it to get certified or licensed as a pharmacy technician. Keep this in mind when making your decision.

Problems Faced in Traditional Programs

Now that you know what types of pharmacy technician training classes are available, you might be wondering how to choose the best one for you.

Allow us to help you with that.

We have listed some common problems that are generally faced by students who enroll in traditional programs, here are a few of them:

1. Expensive tuition fee-

One of the major disadvantages of enrolling in an associate degree or a certificate program is the highly expensive tuition fee that is attached to them.

Enrolling in an associate degree program can cost you anywhere around $20,000 to $30,000. This results in students having to take up educational loans or some form of financial aid, which can last years.

Similarly, even though a certificate or diploma program is cheaper than an associate degree, it can still cost between $10,000 to $20,000, which can be expensive for a regular student.

2. Long Course Duration-

Another common problem faced in an associate and certificate program is the length or duration of the course.

While an associate degree can take up to 2 years to complete, a certificate or diploma program takes up to a year.

This can be disadvantageous if you are looking to enter the workforce as quickly as possible.

hospital pharmacy.

3. Fixed Schedules-

Both full-time programs and online classes generally do not allow as much flexibility as other alternatives.

In both of these types of training programs, you will need to attend classes set on a schedule, which can be a hassle since if you happen to miss any, rescheduling them is difficult.

4. Unaccredited Classes-

This is one of the most important aspects to look for while searching for the best pharmacy technician training programs since there are a lot of programs that are unaccredited, which may raise concerns with the employer later on.

It is always recommended to choose a training program that is nationally accredited. Accredited programs are important because they guarantee a high-quality education.

Choosing an accredited program ensures that you’ll receive a relevant and up-to-date education that is recognized by employers. It may also be required to get certified or licensed in certain professions, like being a pharmacy technician.

5. Don’t Prepare You for Certification-

When considering a pharmacy technician program, it is also important to look for programs that not only provide the basic knowledge and skills needed for the job but also prepare you for national certification exams like the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) or the Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT).

These certification exams are widely recognized within the industry and are often required or preferred by employers. Certification not only validates your expertise and competence but can also lead to better job prospects, higher earning potential, and professional advancement opportunities.

So, you might now be wondering, does a program that fixes all of such problems exist?

We’re here to tell you that it does.


Introducing the top-recommended Pharmacy Technician certificate program: Preppy!

We might seem biased, but it’s only because we believe it’s the best choice for several reasons:

100% Online:

With Preppy’s online training program, you can learn from anywhere, whether it’s your favorite coffee shop, bookstore, or even from the comfort of your own room. Study at your own pace, whenever it suits you.

Faster Course Completion:

Unlike traditional associate degrees or diploma programs that take 1 to 2 years, Preppy allows you to finish the course in as little as 2 months, saving you valuable time.

A girl at Pharmacy

Accredited Program:

Preppy’s course is in partnership with an accredited university, ensuring you receive a valuable university certificate upon completion.

Externship Opportunity:

After finishing the course, you’ll have the chance to participate in externship opportunities, gaining real-life experience and applying your knowledge and skills in a practical setting.

Highly Affordable:

Preppy stands out with its incredibly low tuition fee of just $1599, making it accessible to more aspiring pharmacy technicians.

Additionally, you’ll receive a FREE LAPTOP to use throughout the program, and their 24/7 SUPPORT ensures you can get help whenever you need it, even in the middle of the night.

Here is more about Preppy’s Online Pharmacy Technician Training Program.

Additional Resources:

About the Author
Grant founded with a purpose-driven mission: make college accessible and affordable for everyone. After graduating college with an overwhelming amount of debt, he was determined to change how students embark on their education. He's a frequent speaker and author in higher education, and has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader's Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.