How to Become a

Package Designer

The complete career guide to be a Package Designer: salary, job growth, employers, best schools, and education you may need to get started.

Why We Love It

  • $51,640
    Potential Avg. Salary
  • 1.4%
    Job Growth Rate
  • Growing Demand
    Job Outlook
  • Creativity Focused
    Career Attribute

A package designer is an individual responsible for developing and producing special packaging graphics and product designs.  They create new concepts and innovative design themes of packaging.

Recommended Schools

What is a Package Designer?

The following responsibilities are common for Package Designers:

  • Preforms market research to understand what their target market wants and needs
  • Works with a marketing team to develop cost efficient yet appealing product for customers
  • Fabricates models in different mediums like wood, glass, paper and plastics
  • Presents their ideas to their marketing team and clients for approval
  • Makes any necessary changes to the design per the clients request

A Day In The Life

Package designers are responsible for creating then developing a new package design for various products like food, drinks, jewelry, cosmetics, toys and apparel.

These individuals must do market research to ascertain what their target audience is looking for.  Its important that these individuals can grasp and connect with their audience in order to capture the correct message of the client as well as giving the consumers what they are looking for.  Package designing promotes the product and its function and attempts to make the brand stand out.

They use design principles along with raw materials and machinery on a daily basis to come up with an attractive package that the client approves of.  This career choice requires an individual that has both an understanding and awareness of people and their connections to marketing, culture and branding.

Typical Work Schedule

Working hours for these individuals can vary greatly.  some may work a traditional 40 hour work week, while others may choose their own working hours.

Projected Job Growth

This particular occupation is a sub-category of graphic design and is expected to have a much slower than average growth rate.  Heavy competition and few and far between jobs makes gaining employment in this field difficult.

Typical Employers

Package designers typically work for companies as a permanent employee or they freelance and are hired for specific various projects.  Most work for organizations like advertising agencies, graphic design agencies and manufacturing companies.

Recommended Schools

How To Become a Package Designer

To obtain an entry-level position in this field at least a bachelor’s degree in industrial design, graphic design or a related field is recommended.  Coursework should include classes in art history, industrial design, mathematics, graphic design, marketing and color theory to name a few.  Students are also responsible for creating their own diverse and original portfolios to show potential employers. Students must also be proficient in creative design computer software programs to combine text, graphics and other design elements into the packaging.  Additionally, these individuals should be creative and should be skillful in photography and sketching as well.

Once a designer has earned their degree, it is imperative that they gain as much work experience as possible. To gain this coveted experience, individuals can apply for programs like internships or volunteer programs, and all the while, developing their portfolios along the way.

Package Designer Salary Data

We’ve provided you the following to learn more about this career. The salary and growth data on this page comes from recently published Bureau of Labor Statistics data while the recommendations and editorial content are based on our research.

National Anual Salary

Low Range




High Range


National Hourly Wage

Low Range




High Range


How do Package Designer salaries stack up to other jobs across the country? Based on the latest jobs data nationwide, Package Designer's can make an average annual salary of $51,640, or $25 per hour. This makes it an Above Average Salary. On the lower end, they can make $35,170 or $17 per hour, perhaps when just starting out or based on the state you live in.

Salary Rankings And Facts

  • #367 Nationally for All Careers

Programs and Degrees

Here are the most common degrees for becoming a Package Designer. a is usually recommended and specifically a degree or coursework that prepares you for the particular field, see below.

Highest Education Among Package Designers

  • 1.4%   Doctorate
  • 8.7%   Masters
  • 47.4%   Bachelors
  • 12.7%   Associates
  • 17.6%   College
  • 9.8%   High School
  • 2.3%   Less than High School

Job Growth Projections and Forecast

2014 Total Jobs


2024 Est. Jobs


Job Growth Rate


Est. New Jobs


How does Package Designer job growth stack up to other jobs across the country? By 2024, there will be a change of 3,600 jobs for a total of 265,200 people employed in the career nationwide. This is a 1.4% change in growth over the next ten years, giving the career a growth rate nationwide of Below Average.

Growth Rankings And Facts

  • #569 Nationally for All Careers

What Companies Employ The Most Package Designers

Industry Current Jobs New Jobs Needed % Increase
Self-employed workers 57,600 1,500 2%
Specialized design services 26,600 2,300 2%
Advertising, public relations, and related services 22,200 800 1%

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