So, are you an aspiring Surgical Technician, curious about online programs for Surgical Techs?

Here’s the deal about online programs, they’re not just a myth. In fact, they are the most recommended form of completing your surgical tech education.

And this is simply because of the number of perks they offer. And guess what? You can even get certified through them!

Yep, you heard me right—certified and all!

Today, we’re diving into the best Online Surgical Technician Certificate Program of 2024. We’ll also discuss what you need to get in, the skills you’ll need to pick up, and some insider tips to help you along the way.

Ready? Let’s go!

Challenges You Face During the Surgical Tech School

Our Top Pick for 2024 – Best Online Surgical Technician Certificate Program

Online programs, as we mentioned before, are gaining more and more popularity in the last few years.

Students are now preferring to complete their training through online programs rather than attend traditional college to earn degrees.

Now, why are these programs causing such a stir? Well, imagine this: you can learn at your own pace, whether you’re chilling on your couch or in your favorite coffee shop. It’s all about convenience, right?

Now, let’s talk about one of the best online programs in the game:


Let us also elaborate on why we’re specifically biased for this program.

Accredited Courses:

First up, they’ve joined forces with Auburn University, so you know you’re getting the best quality education. This is especially important for when you start applying for jobs later, as employers prefer candidates who have completed their training through accredited courses.

Certification of Completion:

And here’s the best part: once you’ve completed the program, you’ll go away with a Certificate of Completion from Auburn University. It’s not just a piece of paper—it’s your golden ticket to unlocking opportunities in the surgical world.


Money is always a key issue, right? Well, fear not, because Preppy’s program won’t leave your wallet crying. Affordable education? Sign me up!

100% Online and Self-Paced:

But here’s where it gets even better—it’s all online and self-paced. Say goodbye to boring lectures and hello to learning on your own terms. Plus, they’ll even customize the material to suit your learning style. Sounds pretty cool, right?

Prepare you for Certification:

Now, let’s dive into the details. They’ll have you prepped and primed for those certification exams in no time. So you don’t just get to complete your training, you also get to prepare for those certification exams, so you can get certified faster.

Faster Course Completion:

And here’s the cherry on top—you could be job-ready in just four months with their accelerated program. That’s right, in the blink of an eye, you could be making a real impact in the world of healthcare.

Externship Opportunities:

But wait, there’s more! Preppy also offers externship opportunities, so you can gain some real-world experience. This is one of the most important skills you’ll need to acquire as a surgical technician and snag those jobs quicker.

FREE Laptop:

Plus, when you enroll, you’ll snag a free laptop. Now, that’s a sweet deal!

24/7 Support:

Preppy’s got your back with a dedicated support team. They’ll help you troubleshoot any tech hiccups or answer any burning questions you might have.

So, there you have it—Preppy’s serving everything for an awesome career as a Surgical Tech.

Learn More About Preppy’s Online Certification Course here.

What You Need to Become a Surgical Technician

If you’re considering a future as a surgical tech, you might have wondered what it takes to stand out in this fast-paced world.

Well, don’t worry—we’re here to shed some light!

To truly shine as a skilled surgical technician, you’ll want to acquire three crucial things: Training, Certification, and Experience.

Let’s see how these help:


Your journey begins with proper training that equips you with the necessary skills.

There are various paths you can take for this, such as formal education through programs offered by community colleges, vocational schools, or universities.

But if you want to switch to a better way of completing your training, you can explore online courses for flexibility in learning at your own pace.


While not always necessary for all states, certification holds significant value in the surgical tech field.

It demonstrates to employers that you possess the expertise required for the role. Common certifications for surgical technicians include the Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) credential.

To obtain certification, you’ll typically need to pass an exam assessing your knowledge of surgical procedures and practices.


In addition to training and certification, hands-on experience is essential for honing your skills as a surgical tech.

Practical experience allows you to apply your knowledge in real-world settings and familiarize yourself with surgical procedures. You can gain experience through externships offered by your training program or entry-level positions, such as surgical technologist assistants.

This is why we’re biased about Preppy—it not only meets these requirements but also goes the extra mile to provide you with an exceptional educational experience tailored to surgical technology!


Top 5 Skills Required to Become a Surgical Technician

Entering the operating room as a surgical technician is like being part of a high-stakes theater production, where every move and instrument matters.

To succeed in this fast-paced environment, surgical techs need a unique set of skills.

Here are the top five:

1. Precision and Detail-Oriented:

Surgical technicians need to pay close attention to every detail, ensuring that each instrument is in its rightful place and every step of the procedure is executed flawlessly.

2. Good Hand and Eye Coordination:

They need steady hands and impeccable hand-eye coordination to handle delicate instruments and assist surgeons seamlessly during procedures.

3. Clear Communication Skills:

Surgical technicians need to communicate effectively with surgeons, nurses, and other team members, conveying vital information and coordinating actions with precision.

4. Quick Thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities:

Imagine you’re faced with an unexpected challenge during a surgery, like a sudden equipment malfunction or a change in the surgical plan.

Surgical technicians need to think on their feet, assess the situation quickly, and come up with solutions in real time. It’s like being a detective, where you need to analyze clues and make decisions under pressure to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.

5. Resilience and Stress Management:

Surgical technicians need to keep a cool head under pressure, remaining calm and focused even in the most intense situations.

Why Surgical Technician Schools are NOT Recommended

Considering enrolling in the conventional sterile processing technician schools? Well, there’s a whole world of factors to weigh before making that leap!

Attending a surgical tech school is no longer recommended, since it will take up a lot of your precious time and money, in addition to so many hassles like traveling to and from scheduled classes and whatnot.

Let’s talk about why surgical tech schools are no more in trend:


First off, let’s talk about accreditation. Some schools might not provide you with quality education or accreditation, leaving you with a certificate that’s about as valuable as a used bandage.

Expensive Tuition:

The price tag of such courses is another big con. Tuition fees can drain your bank account faster, leaving you no option but to lean toward financial aid, such as student loans.

No Experience:

Then there’s the hands-on experience—or lack thereof. Without getting your experience working in the real deal, you might find yourself feeling lost when you start working.

These cons are exactly why students are now leaning toward a better option: online programs More and more students are turning to the convenience and flexibility of online learning, and they’re onto something good.

This is another reason why we keep recommending Preppy throughout this article. It checks all the boxes!


In conclusion, whether you’re considering a career as a surgical technician, exploring online education options, or weighing the pros and cons of sterile processing technician schools, one thing is clear: the path to success is as unique as you are.

Surgical Technician FAQs

What do Surgical Techs do?

Surgical technicians assist surgeons during procedures by preparing the operating room, sterilizing instruments, and maintaining a sterile environment. They pass instruments, manage equipment, and support patient positioning for surgery. Their role is important in ensuring smooth surgeries and patient safety.

Is Surgical Technician School Worth It?

To answer shortly, no. Whether surgical technician school is worth it depends on factors like program quality, cost, and career goals. However, consider factors such as tuition expenses and alternative education options before deciding. Ultimately, the value of surgical technician school depends on its alignment with your career aspirations and providing the necessary skills for success in the field.

Is becoming a Surgical Tech worth it?

Yes, becoming a surgical tech can be worth it for those who enjoy working in healthcare, thrive in fast-paced environments, and seek job stability, advancement, and competitive pay.

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About the Author
Grant founded with a purpose-driven mission: make college accessible and affordable for everyone. After graduating college with an overwhelming amount of debt, he was determined to change how students embark on their education. He's a frequent speaker and author in higher education, and has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader's Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.